Football manager downloads 2010
Football manager downloads 2010

football manager downloads 2010

The help system also makes it easier to appreciate this depth.


This is no mean feat given the absurd depth that the series is known for, and it makes the game stand apart from its competition. The game is more approachable for new players, while those who are familiar with the series can become more involved than ever before. The help and assistant-management systems have also been improved. The old mailbox still exists as your hub of interaction for much of the game, providing your means of interaction with your fans, management, players, and the press, and is little changed from previous iterations. This is a vast improvement over previous home screens, which traditionally focused on your mailbox.


The most obvious upgrade is the game's overview screen, which brings together your news feeds, in-game mail, upcoming fixtures, league tables, transfer information, and a summary of your current squad status. While there is nothing quite as major as a new engine in this year's game, there are plenty of refinements to every area of Football Manager 2010. The new tactics and touchline instruction options add an extra dimension to the gameplay. Your assistant manager helps via useful pop-ups to guide you through the nuances of player interaction, and can even pick your team and set the formation for you if you're feeling a little lost. First off you have the option of watching your squad play a training match so you get a handle on both the players and, if you're new to the game, the match day controls and nuances. You start in control of your chosen club as the pre-season kicks off, and then have to set about managing your squad through the upcoming seasons. This year, however, that new engine has been improved significantly, and sits at the heart of a game that's stronger than ever, thanks to a host of other improvements across the board. Sadly, the engine was a little rough around the edges, and the rest of the game wasn't innovative enough to make it a must-buy for fans of the series. Last year, Football Manager received its most significant and obvious innovation in some time: the introduction of a three-dimensional match engine.

Football manager downloads 2010